Freedom Force International

Impotentes defendere libertatem non possunt

Members’ Hall Of Honor


Welcome to the Freedom Force Hall of Honor. It is here that we give recognition to our members who are leaders, communicators, and news-makers. They have been chosen because of their outstanding achievements on behalf of freedom, and we are proud to have them as ambas-sadors for our movement.

Honorees are listed (left to right, top to bottom) in the order of how well known they are. This is approximated by the number of hits they receive in the Google search engine. Those with the most hits are at the top. Each hit indicates a web site somewhere in the world that mentions them. This is a measure of influence on

public opinion and the extent to which they are fulfilling the primary leadership mission of Freedom Force.

Some of our honorees have many thousands of hits, and all of them are making a difference in the world, as you will see.

is a writer, documentary film producer, and Founder of Freedom Force International. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is known for researching difficult topics and presenting them in terms that all can understand. His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, The Capitalist Conspiracy, and The Fearful Master. Ed is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications. He is the President of American Media, a publishing and video production company in Southern California. He served on the board of The National Health Federation and The International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends. He is the founder of The Cancer Cure Foundation. Ed can be reached here.

ROBERT KIYOSAKI is the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, the #1 personal-finance book of all time. He is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor who believes the world needs more entrepreneurs and fewer bureaucrats. With perspectives on money and investing that often contradict conventional wisdom, Robert has earned an international reputation for straight talk, irreverence, and courage and has become a passionate advocate of financial education for the common man. As the author of 19 books, which have topped international bestsellers lists for more than a decade, he has been a featured guest with media outlets in every corner of the world. Robert can be reached here.

DAN HAPPEL is a former County Commissioner in Madison County, Montana, and is an outspoken foe of big government. He is a leader in the movements to protect property rights, to introduce a silver-backed currency, to protect livestock and wild game from uncontrolled wolf repopulation, and to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. He has extensive experience in commercial construction, architectural design, business, and planning. He serves as a County Fire Department Trustee, is Trustee of the Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation, and the Montana Forest Legacy; is a member of the Montana Farm Bureau, lifelong member of the NRA, and is the Chairman of the Madison County Republican Central Committee. He also is on the Leadership Council of Freedom Force. Dan can be reached here.

SHERIFF RICHARD MACK is the retired Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, who, in 1994, sued the United States government for attempting to compell him to enforce the Brady Bill, a federal gun-control law. He won the case at the U.S. Supreme Court. It was a landmark decision because it confirmed that states are sovereign governments and their powers are superior to those of the federal government. This case also confirmed that local officials have the right to stand against the federal government when it overreaches its Constitutional boundaries. Sheriff Mack is in the forefront of the state-soverignty and federal-nullification movement, which many believe will become the means by which the American Republic will be restored. He can be reached through his website.

LESLIE DUTTON is the Executive Producer of the Full Disclosure Network, an Internet news channel headquartered in Marina del Rey, California. The Network is known for hard-hitting journalism with a long record of exposing fraud and corruption in Los Angeles politics, law enforcement, and the judicial system. As founding President of the American Association of Women, Leslie spearheaded many issue-oriented campaigns ranging from community Charter Amendments to University-of-California tuition policies. As Producer of the Full Disclosure Network, she received the 2001 Emmy Award for public-affairs programming. She can be reached here.

BOB SCHULZ is recognized as a leader in the American tax-honesty movement and is the founder of We The People, an organization dedicated to restoration of constitutional government. He has an engineering degree from the US Merchant Marine Academy and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Xavier University. Bob has held significant positions in industry, government, on Wall Street, in business, and on the radio as a talk-show host in Albany, New York. In 1997, he founded the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education and the We The People Congress. Bob can be reached a here.

AARON RUSSO (deceased) was an American entertainment businessman, film maker, Libertarian political figure, and proponent of tax and monetary reform. He was best known in political circles for his documentary movie, America; Freedom to Fascism, which is a call to action against the U.S. Federal Reserve System and the Income Tax. During his career in the entertainment industry, he produced such well known films as The Rose (starring Midler), Trading Places (starring Eddie Murphy), and Wise Guys (starring Danny DeVito). In 1989, he directed Rude Awakening. Russo became a political activist in the 1990s when he produced a video opposing a national ID card and government suppression of freedom-of-choice in health care. He passed away on August 24, 2007.

PHIL HART is an Idaho state Representative who has written numerous important bills, including a silver-currency bill and legislation requiring safety testing and reduced usage of whole-body x-ray scanners. He also championed Idaho’s rejection of the national Real-ID program.Phil is a civil and structural engineer licensed in 14 states. He has a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsy-lvania. He is the winner of two World-Cup races on the Masters FIS Alpine Ski Racing series and qualified for the U.S. Cycling Nationals the first time he rode a 25-mile time trial. Later, he came within 6 seconds of the American record for the 10-mile time trial. Thes are Phil’s web sites: and

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS served as Managing Director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Company. She was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was President of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc., an investment bank and financial software developer. She now is President of Solari, Inc., and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. She has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Wharton School, and studied Mandarin at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She serves on the board of The Scoop, a news web site in New Zealand. She can be reached here.

JIM LEE is the publisher of ClimateViewer News, a website with extensive historical data on weather modification programs. His primary focus is on efforts to modify the atmosphere for covert agendas such as weather warfare and population control. Jim created ClimateViewer 3D, a geophysical monitoring map with live data streaming onto a 3D globe. It has an encyclopedic list of maps not found anywhere else on the Internet, The history of geoengineering and weather-modification programs is compiled into a timeline, complete with a directory of patents, sponsors, and even live tracking of weather derivatives. Jim can be reached here.

LAWRENCE “LARRY” REED became President of the Foundation for Economic Education in 2008. Prior to that, he was a founder and President of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Michigan. He also taught Economics and chaired the Department of Economics at Northwood University in Michigan from 1977 to 1984. Larry holds a Master’s degree in History and honorary doctorates in Public Administration and in Law. Reed has authored over 1,000 newspaper and magazine articles and five books, including A Republic – If We Can Keep It and Striking the Root: Essays on Liberty. Larry can be reached here.

DEVVY KIDD is Founder and Director of the Project on Winning Economic Reform (POWER). As a civilian, she was an Administrative Officer for the Department of the Army and a Contract Administrator for the Air Force Space Command at Peterson AFB. While at Peterson, after she filed a Fraud, Waste, and Abuse complaint against her own job, her employment contract was not renewed. In the 1980s, Devvy launched a nation-wide movement to abolish the Federal Reserve, culminating in a massive demonstration in front of the Fed building in Washington D.C. and the delivery of 100,000 signed petitions to Congressmen and Senators. Devvy has authored two books: Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty. Her articuls appear on She can be reached here.

MICHAEL BADNARIK was the Libertarian Party nominee for US President in 2004. In 2006, he ran as a Libertarian Party candidate in the Texas 10th congressional district. He travels extensively delivering his acclaimed seminar called “An Introduction to the Constitution.” Badnarik’s political philosophy emphasizes individual liberty and personal responsibility. In economics, he advocates laissez-faire capitalism, a system not seen in the world since WWII, in which the only function of the state is the protection of life, liberty, and property of individual citizens. Michael can be contacted here.

JAY TAYLOR is the editor of J Taylor’s Gold, Energy & Tech Stocks newsletter. He also is the host of a weekly Internet show, Turning Hard Times into Good Times, at Jay is a frequent speaker at investment conferences, on radio programs, and on BNN, Canada’s national business TV channel. He has a BA degree in economics from Rutgers University and an MBA in finance and investments from Baruch College in New York. He has been a bank credit analyst, lending officer, and investment banker at several multinational banks in New York. Jay’s newsletter, which focuses on gold and related investments, was started in 1981. He can be reached here.

KATHY FETTKIE is a real estate investor, certified personal coach, and host of The Real Wealth radio show. She specializes in helping people build multi-million dollar real estate portfolios through creative finance and careful planning. She is the founder of the Real Wealth Network and past-president of American Women in Radio & Television. She received her BA in Broadcast Communications from San Francisco State University and worked in the newsrooms of CNN, FOX, CTV and ABC-7. Kathy can be reached here.

BOB KNEISLEY is an investment consultant who began his financia- services career in 1972. He has written two books: The Indicator! and The Wall Street Casino. He is a graduate of the University of Toledo and has taught “Investments” for the American College. Bob publishes the Wealth Building Digest newsletter and has been published in Financial Planning magazine, the Advisor Network, and other trade journals. He is an advocate of fee-only consulting, which means he and his firm do not receive commissions from the sale of investment products they recommend. Bob can be reached here.

JACK BLOOD is a syndicated radio talk show host and investigative reporter. Deadline Live with Jack Blood has been broadcasting from Austin, Texas, since 2001. Jack has been featured on ABC Nightline, CNN Anderson Cooper, the LA Times, and has been interviewed on talk shows and in print worldwide. Jack has set new standards for American talk radio that are being emulated throughout the medium today. His show airs 4 to 6 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, on the Genesis Communications Network and is syndicated to AM and FM radio stations across the USA. Jack can be reached here.

CHELENE NIGHTINGALE is an activist and organizer of political events which have received national and international attention. In Hollywood, she organized the “Free the Texas Three” march for Deputy Gilmer Hernandez and Border Patrol Agents Ramos & Compean. The march was featured on the nationally syndicated show America’s Most Wanted. In 2006, she was the campaign manager for Art Olivier,the Libertarian gubernatorial candidate. In 2010, she became the Constitution Party’s candidate for Governor of California. Besides operating a family business, she is a homeschooling mother. Chelene can be reached here.

RICHARD BODDIE is an Adjunct Professor in Political Science and Business Law at Coastline Community College in Fountain Valley, California. He was born in Elmira, New York and raised in Rochester, where he was the first black youth to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. He also was the first black American to become a bank executive in that city’s history. He is known for political activism over the years, having been the “radical” president of the Student Bar Association while at Syracuse University College of Law. He was an anti-Vietnam-War activist and community organizer in the 60s, a Congressional aide in the 70s and, in 1984, was a road manager and fund raiser for the Libertarian Party Presidential candidate, a position he himself sought in 1992. He was Chairman of the Orange County Libertarian Party from 1996 – 1998. Richard can be reached here.

DR. CHARLES LEE is one of the few political prisoners tortured in Chinese prisons who survived to tell about it. He was born and raised in China. After receiving a medical degree, he came to the US for graduate study at the University of Illinois. He graduated in 1995 with a Master’s degree in Physiology and went to Harvard to do research. In 2003, he returned to China to protest the harsh persecution of a a spiritual movement called Falun Gong. He was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison where he was beaten and brutally tortured. He was released in 2006 and returned to San Francisco. Since then, he has been tireless in warning Americans against thinking that China ever will be wooed from Communism by trade and aid. Tortured in Red China is a DVD in which he describes his ordeal. Charles may be reached here.

RAYELAN ALLAN is the Publisher of Rumor Mill News. She was married to Gunther Russbacher, a whistleblower who said that, during the Iranian Hostage Crisis of 1980, GHW Bush worked a deal with the Iranian government to hold on to the American hostages until after the election in order to shift public sentiment from Carter to Reagan during the election. Russbacher says that he personally flew the military jet that transported Bush to a Paris meeting with the Iranian heads of state. Russbacher subsequently was imprisoned to silence him. During his four years imprisonment, Rayelan traveled the country giving lectures and making radio and TV appearances to keep the spotlight of public attention focused on his plight. Her web site is here. She can be contacted here.

MICHAEL HERZOG is a talk-show host who began his career at KFNX in Cave Creek, Arizona. From there he moved to the Republic Broadcasting Network and now can be heard Monday through Friday on Liberty News Radio. Michael has 25 years experience in Estate Planning and Personal Finance. He says that he awoke from the hypnosis administered through mainstream media in 2005. Being a certified private investigator, his instincts told him that Fox News was not reporting the ‘real story,’ so he began researching everything for himself, and that set him upon his journer. Michael can be reached here.

SHERRY PEEL JACKSON, CPA, CFE, was an IRS agent for seven years but, after studying the tax laws, became a tax protestor.When she asked her superior at the IRS to show her the law that requires citizens to pay income taxes, she was fired. Working as a tax consultant after that, Sherry never advised people not to pay the tax but to read the law and make their own decisions. Her own decision was to not file a return, knowing that this would result in a legal challenge that she believed would bring the matter to public attention and lead to reform. At her trial, however, the judge was hostile, and the jury was packed with people sympathetic to the government position. In 2007, Sherry was convicted of willful faiure to file income-tax returns and sentenced to four years in federal prison. Since her release in 2011, she has been a financial consultant. Her web site is here.

RODNEY STICH is a whistleblower who exposed corruption in the airline industry and in government agencies that are supposed to regulate it. As a retired airline captain and former investigator for the Federal Aviation Administration, he speaks from first-hand knowledge about government cover-ups of some of the worst airline disasters in history. He has exposed how investigative committees ignored vital information that he and others had submitted. To read his testimony on air disaters click here. Rodney can be reached here.

DR. DOUG ROKKE is a career army officer who was the Pentagon’s most senior Depleted Uranium expert during the first Gulf War. He became a whistleblower when he discovered the massive illness and death inflicted on civilians, combatants, and even his own men who were assigned to clean up the mess, a task that was never completed. He was ordered to conceal this truth from the world, an order that, in conscience, he could not obey. Doug has confirmed that Iraq did have biological weapons as early as 1990, but they came from the U.S. Army, ostensibly to be used against Iran and the Kurds. The destruction of these stockpiles during the U.S. invasion in 2003 caused a deadly spill into the environment that harmed Iraqis and American troops alike. His testimony can be heard here. Doug can be reached here.

PATRICIA GRIFFIN, R.N., B.S., is the co-author (with John Richardson. M.D.) of Laetrile Case Histories; The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience. This book contains 62 case histories proving that Laetrile (Vitamin B-17) is effective in the control of cancer. One of its earlier editions was published by Bantam Books and sold over 100,000 copies in the first few weeks. It has since been updated and continues to have a major impact in the field of drug-free health care. Pat is a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Nursing and holds a Bachelor-of-Science degree in nursing from Mount Saint Mary’s College in Los Angeles. She lives in Southern California with her husband, G. Edward Griffin. and is one of the original members of Freedom Force, having signed up on the first day of its existence. Pat can be reached here.

DON NICOLOFF is a journalist and hosts a nightly radio show, Evident Footprints, on the Galactic-7 radio network. He has written several historical exposes for the Idaho Observer. The first was about Ambassador Leo Wanta’s involvement in cold-war economic warfare, and the second was a series covering the creation of the Federal Reserve, the theft of Nikola Tesla’s inventions, the deathbed confession of a Hitler bodyguard, and the Nazi plot to topple the U.S. government by internal subversion. Don’s articles can be found on the Internet here and here. He can be reached here.

VICKIE KARP is one of America’s strongest voices on behalf of voter rights and honest elections.She is the National Chairperson of The Coalition for Visible Ballots, sponsored by Freedom Force, and is on the Board of Directors of Black Box Voting, founded by Beverly Harris who is one of the country’s leading investigative reporters exposing vote fraud. She is co-editor, with Abbe Waldman DeLozier, of the book, HACKED! High Tech Election Theft in America. She is co-host, with Karen Renick, of a weekly radio-talk show broadcast over the We-the-People Radio Network. Vickie can be reached here.

Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, UK, is a renowned mathematician, journalist, and public speaker. He is well known for his conservative political views, his opposition to the EU, his invention of the mathematical puzzle, Eternity, and especially for his masterful debunking of man-made global warming. In 2016, he was a national leader in rallying the British vote on behalf of BREXIT. In December of that same year, he was part of the Freedom Force team that created the video album, Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie. Lod Monckton can be reached here.

TY BOLLINGER is a health -freedom advocate, cancer researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, and author of the best-selling book Cancer – Step Outside the Box. After losing several family members to cancer, he made it his lifetime mission to find treatments that are more effective than chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, and he has discovered that the vast majority of all diseases, including cancer, can be cured without drugs or surgery. His Internet-based video production on this topic have been seen by over ten-million people.

ALEX JONES is one of the premier talk-show hosts in America with over a million daily listeners. In a July 2001 television taping, six weeks before 9/11, he warned that Globalists were going to attack New York and blame it on Osama bin Laden and that their motive was to create the fear of terrorism as an excuse for bringing martial law to America. View the clip here. He often appears in public demonstrations and is known in the news as the man blasting out truth with a bull horn. He broadcasts on the Genesis Communications Radio Network. Alex can be contacted here.

MIKE ADAMS, known as the Health Ranger to his fans, is Editor of the popular Internet site called News Target. Mike used to be chronically ill with obesity, diabetes, depression, and severe back pain. He followed his doctor’s advice, took prescription drugs, and consumed the standard American diet. Then, in his words, he “woke up” and realized that everything he had been taught about health, disease, food, and medicine was false. It dawned on him that this is why so much of the population today is burdened with chronic diseases. Mike set out to prove his new knowledge on himself and soon converted his body into the perfect health machine, totally without drugs. His personal story and knowledge of the perils of drug-based health care are featured in the DVD, Monopoly Medicine. Mike’s web site is Natural News.

Edward Goodliffe was born in England and migrated to Canada to escape the crushing effect of a 95% income tax. In Canada, he has had careers in manufacturing, farming, gold prospecting, and start-up companies. In 2001, he established an oil-production company that now operates three oilfields. He helped to establish the Wildrose political party in Alberta and is recognized as a leader of that party. In 2014, when G. Edward Griffin issued a call to action for the formation of the First Congress of Freedom Force, Goodliffe was the first person to respond. Delegates recognized his leadership qualities and elected him to the Leadership Council and Speaker of the Congress. He can be reached here.

HOLLY SWANSON is the author of two books on the environmental movement. They are: Set Up & Sold Out; Find Out What Green Really Means, and, Training for Treason; The Harmful Agenda Behind Education for Sustainability. Holly exposes this movement’s plan to hijack public education and politically indoctrinate children to adopt communist beliefs under the pretense of non-partisan environmental education. She is a passionate activist and the founder of We Choose Freedom, a citizen’s campaign to uphold and pass-on America’s founding principles of freedom. Holly can be reached here.

BRADFORD WEEKS, M.D. is the Founder and Medical Director of Alternative Health Advocates, a consulting service for people facing life-threatening illnesses. He has 25 years of experience treating illness by correcting deficiencies and eliminating toxicities. He founded the American Apitherapy Society, which disseminates information about the health benefits of bee-hive products, such as honey, pollen, propolis, and royal jelly. Dr. Weeks served on the board of the International Schizophrenia Foundation and helped to develop orthomolecular (nutrition-based) psychiatry. He wants the world to know that his medical licemse was taken away by the Washington state medical board because of “non-approved” prescriptions for Human Growth Hormone (HGH), and he is mad as hell about it. (So are we.) He can be reached here.

GARY FRANCHI, JR. began his activist career as an associate of the late filmmaker Aaron Russo, who produced the acclaimed documentary, America: from Freedom to Fascism. Shortly before his death, Russo asked Gary to continue the work of an activist organization he had launched called Restore the Republic. Under Gary’s leadership, RTR inspired tens of thousands of volunteers to support the presidential candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul. In 2008, he inaugurated a news program entitled The Reality Report. Currently, he is Executive Producer and Lead Anchor of WHDT World Television Service 6 O’Clock and 11 O’Clock News. His latest undertaking is the Next News Network, to become the first 24/7 broadcast service dedicated solely to the restoration and preservation of individual freedom. Gary can be reached here.

KIM KIYOSAKI has learned what it takes to be successful as a real estate investor, entrepreneur, speaker, and author. She is a sought-after speaker and radio/TV talk-show guest. She has built upon the success of her two books, Rich Woman and It’s Rising Time!, to create a series of Rich-Woman products and a dynamic online community. Kim began her investing career in 1989 with the purchase of a small, 2-bedroom/1-bath rental property. Today her real-estate company buys, sells, and manages millions of dollars in property. A self-made millionaire, Kim is a happily married (but fiercely independent) woman, and often travels and speaks with her husband, Robert, author of the international best-seller Rich Dad Poor Dad. She can be reached here.

JOHN SNEISEN grew up in Norway and says he had been brainwashed by the collectivist agenda until he read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. John now is a passionate advocate of individualism. He is the founder of an organization called The Economic Truth, with over 10,000 followers in more than thirty countries. It analyzes economic events and hosts workshops on monetary history. John is the author of The End of Freedom: How Our Monetary System Enslaves Us. He is a co-founder of a The Manitoba Party in Manitoba, Canada and an Economic Analyst with World Alternative Media. John has a goal to awaken millions of people around the world to the truths of money, commodities, and civilizations. He is a member of the Freedom Force Leadership Council.

JON SCHAFFER is founder of the internationally known heavy-metal band, ICED EARTH which has sold over 3-million albums worldwide. He is a musician, poet, and writer. Jon felt things were greatly amiss for many years but was awakened after reading The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen and The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. Since then, he has continued his research and has written powerful freedom-loving lyrics for a CD entitled Brush-Fires of the Mind, under his solo label, ‘Sons of Liberty’. Jon says: “This is a project I encourage you to copy and share with your friends. I care very much about what is happening in our world and I assure you this is not a politically biased message. I’m hoping to set a few brushfires in the minds of listeners with this one.” Here is a short interview of G. Edward Griffin conducted by Jon in May, 2010. Jon can be reached here.

is a former member of the North Carolina House of Representatives. He describes himself as a regular working-class man fed up with systemic corruption in government and in both political parties. Glen has been recognized by the Tenth Amendment Center as the nation’s leading advocate for applying the Tenth Amendment to nullify unconstitutional Federal legislation. He is a strong Constitutionalist and an advocate of abolishing the banking cartel called the Federal Reserve System.

RICHARD GROVE filed for federal whistleblower protection under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to protect himself from retaliation after disclosing collusion between government and Wall Street financial firms to commit massive fraud against the American public. Since then, he has created more than 500 hours of educational and informative media productions, including a The Peace Revolution Podcast, State of Mind: The Psychology of Control, The Ultimate History Lesson (with John Taylor Gatto), 20/20 Hindsight, and Project Constellation. Richard can be reached here.

KATHERINE ALBRECHT, Ed.D., is one of the world’s leading experts on consumer privacy. She is a co-author of Spychips; How Major Corporations Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID. Katherine has been an expert witness before numerous government committees and a featured guest on over a thousand radio and TV programs. Executive Technology magazine describer her as “perhaps the country’s single most vocal privacy advocate.” Wired magazine calls her the “Erin Brockovich of RFID.” Katherine graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and holds a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University. Her websites are and She can be reached here.

TOM DE WEESE is Founder of the American Policy Center and Publisher of The DeWeese Report. His interest in public affairs began in 1974 when he was a candidate for the Ohio Legislature. He started The DeWeese Company in 1985 and founded the American Policy Center in 1988. He has been an outspoken defender of property rights and an opponent of intrusive government, especially when it hides behind the mask of environmentalism and “sustainable development.” He is the driving force behind a national coalition of freedom-minded organizations called Freedom 21, which has become an important leadership network. Tom may be reached here.

KAREL BECKMAN is the Editor-in-Chief of the online journal, European Energy Review. He worked for six years as reporter and editor at the Dutch financial newspaper, Financieele Dagblad. In 1992 he published a nonfiction book exposing environmentalist hoaxes, including global warming, acid rain, and depletion of resources. Karel is co-author of the book Beyond Democracy, which explains why democracies lead to social conflict, runaway spending, and tyrannical government. More information here.

SHERRI TENPENNY, M.D., is one of America’s most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians, warning against the hazards of vaccines. A graduate of the University of Toledo in Ohio, she received her medical training in Kirksville, Missouri. She was board certified in emergency medicine through 2005 and currently is board certified in osteopathic medicine. She is Founder of Osteomed II, a clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Tenpenny has authored severel books and has produced many educational CDs and DVDs. She is a tireless crusader for freedom-of-choice in health care, including freedom to refuse vaccination. Her web sites are and She may be reached here.

ELAINE WILLMAN, MPA, is co-author of Going to Pieces; The Dismantling of the United States, a report on how the government is funding the rise of tribalism in America. The goal is to reorganize local political subdivisions into regional governments recognized by the UN as sovereign nations. Elaine is of Cherokee lineage and has worked most of her adult life with tribal leaders to protect the rights of native-Americans. Now she is equally active in protecting the rights of non-tribal citizens from tribal-government overreach and loss of American sovereignty. Elaine has a Masters degree in Public Administration from Cal State University and now is working on a doctoral degree. She is available for speaking engagements, workshops, or consultations. She can be reached here.

VINCENT EASTWOOD, a New Zealand citizen, left the corporate telecommunications industry because of what he perceived as a conflict between profits and ethics. Since then, he has become an independent news commentator known to his many followers as Mr. News. He has given a voice to New Zealand’s activists who are dissatisfied with the present political and social climate. Vinny is known for his flamboyant style of film making, both in the political sphere and at music events. He can be contacted here.

CLYDE CLEVELAND has over 50 years experience creating and managing ventures in real estate and start-up companies. Clyde has been active for over 25 years in the movement to eliminate the income tax. He was the Libertarian candidate for Governor in Iowa in 2002. He conducted a decade-long educational program in Jefferson County, Iowa, that led to a victory for Ron Paul in the Repbulican primary. Clyde has written two books, Restoring the Heart of America,; a Return to Bottom-up Government, and Common Sense Revisited. Clyde can be reached here.

VERNIE KUGLIN is a retired FedEx pilot who became famous in 2003 when a jury acquitted her on six counts of tax evasion for which she could have received up to thirty years in prison. She refused to pay income taxes when her study of the Constitution and tax laws led her to conclude that the IRS, itself, was not following the law. She found herself standing alone against the IRS and also against the legal staff of FedEx. After hearing her arguments, the jury agreed that she was justified in questioning the legality of the IRS and that her refusal to comply was based on a desire to force the government to obey the Constitution. Vernie can be contacted here.

SERVANDO GONZALEZ is a Cuban-born American writer. He received his training as a historian at the University of Havana and has written books, essays, articles, and multimedia on Cuban and Latin American history, intelligence and espionage. Servando has produced two documentaries, Treason in America; The Council on Foreign Relations, and Partners in Treason; The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection. His web site is here. He can be reached here.

BERNARD von NOTHAUS is an expert on private currencies. He is the originator of the American Liberty Dollar, a paper currency fully backed by silver and gold. For 25 years, Bernard was the Mintmaster at the Royal Hawaiian Mint. In 2007, federal agents seized two tons of silver coins, most of which were being stored as backing for Liberty Dollar paper certificates in the posession of those who had purchased them. Von NotHaus was arrested and charged with counterfeiting, because the goverment said the silver medallions resembled official US coins. In 2011, he was found guilty and on December 2, 2014, was sentenced to six months house arrest with 3 years probation. He now is released from that sentence.

MARY TOCCO is an health educator with expertise in the side effects of vaccines. She is known for her acclaimed video presentation, Are Vaccines Safe? In 1994, Mary became active in Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines, an organization supporting the right of parents to reject vaccines for their children. She testified before the Government Health Policy Committee and was instrumental in stopping a bill that would have denied a “philosophical exemption”. She founded the Precious Health Campaign and is in leadership positions on numerous organizations opposed to mandatory vaccines. Her testimony was recorded on our Reality Zone conference call and can be heard here. Her DVD seminar is available here. Her web site is here. She can be reached here.

HOWARD PHILLIPS (deceased) starting in 1974 was Chairman of The Conservative Caucus, an American advocacy group working on behalf of liberty and national sovereignty. He also was Chairman of the U.S. Taxpayers Alliance. During the Nixon Administration, he headed the federal Office of Economic Opportunity, a position from which he resigned when Nixon reneged on his promise to veto funding for LBJ’s “Great Society” programs. Howard left the Republican Party in 1974 and, from 1992 through 2000, was the Presidential candidate of the U.S. Taxpayers’ Party, later renamed as the Constitution Party. He succumbed to Alzheimer’s on April 29, 2013.

DANEEN G. PETERSON, PHD., is an educator and researcher who is in the forefront of the battle to stop the merger of the United States with Mexico and Canada. Dr. Peterson has been a professor at both Temple and Jefferson Universities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she taught behavioral science research methodology and statistics. She now heads up, that provides information and strategies for preserving American sovereignty. Her audio presentation to the members of Freedom Force on May 25, 2007, is a comprehensive overview of the history of this North-American merger and what must be done to stop it. It can be heard here. Dr. Peterson can be reached here.

JOHN HAMMELL is Founder and President of International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF), created in 1996 to thwart the pharmaceutical industry’s effort to ban consumer access to therapeutic doses of vitamins and minerals. IAHF has been in the forefront of mobilizing opposition to the UN’s Codex Alimentarius Commission. John’s message is that Codex is all about controlling food and nutrition as a means of controlling the masses. In 1997, John exposed the International Alliance of Dietary Supplement Trade Associations (IADSA) as a controlled opposition group secretly representing pharmaceutical interests. John can be reached here.

MARCY BROOKS, a resident of Indianapolis, Indiana, found herself at the center of a news storm when, in May of 2000, she was chosen to serve on a jury that declared Whitey Harrell was not guilty of failing to pay income taxes. Marcy convinced the jury that the defendant was innocent because he claimed there was no law requiring him to do so, and the prosecution gave no evidence to the contrary. During the trial, the jurors repeatedly asked the court to provide them with a copy of the law that requires citizens to pay income taxes, it was never received. Marcy concluded that Whitey Harrell was a law-abiding citizen and that the IRS and the court were the ones violating the law. She convinced the jury to stand on principle, and the rest is history. Marcy can be reached here.

DR. ROBIN FALKOV is at the forefront of a medical technology that uses light to treat disease. She is a physician and herbalist in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a Diplomate of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners, and is trained in traditional Chinese Medicine. She has extensive experience with LED therapy that uses selective-frequency light photons to stimulate natural healing. She is a freedom activist opposed to government control of health care and by organizations unduly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Her web site is here. She can be contacted here. To hear Dr. Falkov’s Freedom Force conference call, click here.