What’s the difference between Freedom Force, Red Pill University, and Red Pill Expo?
Red Pill University, Red Pill Expo, and Freedom Force International represent three distinct functions of the same organization, each with its own goals and participation profile.
We produce two public events each year: The Red Pill Expo and the Freedom Force Congress.
Freedom Force is at the apex and is charged with organizational leadership. Members often are described as “keepers of the flame” because they also serve as guardians of the ideological principles expressed in The Creed of Freedom. It is their task to prevent those principles from being ignored, redefined, or abandoned in the future.
Red Pill University is a major project of Freedom Force that originally was called Project Outreach, based on the goal of reaching out to and creating solidarity with a much larger group of individuals. That larger group may not be aware of the principles expressed in the Creed but, intuitively, they are in alignment with them and are motivated to participate in advocacy projects with social and political outcomes that support those principles.
Red Pill Expos are public informational events sponsored by Red Pill University. Their goal is to reach out to an even larger segment of the population: those who, although still living in the Matrix of illusion in many aspects of their lives, sense that something is wrong. They are truth seekers who would rather live in harsh reality than in blissful illusion. When they discover they are not alone and that the information we present is valid, the natural leaders among them will want to become change agents and will come to RPU. Some will step up to Freedom Force.
Members of Freedom Force first must be patrons of Red Pill University, but not all patrons will be Members of Freedom Force. That depends on their interest in assuming a leadership role and their willingness to devote time to the task. All RPU patrons are eligible for membership in Freedom Force and are invited to submit an enrollment request. Upon confirmation that they are in agreement with The Creed of Freedom and The Code of Conduct, they will be accepted. There is no additional financial obligation for membership. Knowledge and dedication are the only requirements.