Leadership Council
Russell Gray is an entrepreneur and an avid student of economics. He married his high school sweetheart and, together, they have six children and nine grandchildren (so far). He enjoys traveling, teaching and advocating for financial liberty. He is a principle party in an investment advisory network called The Real Estate Guys and is Chairman of the Red Pill Expo Committee.
Edward Goodliffe was born in England and migrated to Canada to escape the crushing effect of a 95% income tax. In Canada, he has had careers in manufacturing, farming, gold prospecting, and start-up companies. In 2001, he established an oil-production company that now operates three oilfields. He helped to establish the Wildrose political party in Alberta and is recognized as a leader of that party. In 2014, when G. Edward Griffin issued a call to action for the formation of the First Congress of Freedom Force, Goodliffe was the first person to respond. Delegates recognized his leadership qualities and elected him as the Speaker of the Congress, a position he continues to hold.

Dan Happel is a former County Commissioner in Madison County, Montana, and is an outspoken foe of big government and the UN’s Agenda 21. He is a leader in the movements to protect property rights, to introduce a silver-backed currency, to protect livestock and wild game from uncontrolled wolf repopulation, and to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. He has extensive experience in commercial construction, architectural design, business, and planning. He serves as a County Fire Department Trustee, is Trustee of the Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation, and the Montana Forest Legacy; is a member of the Montana Farm Bureau, lifelong member of the NRA, and is Chairman of the Madison County Republican Central Committee.
John Hewlett is the Founder of Evolution Nutraceuticals and the formulator of Cardio Miracle, a supplement that boosts the body’s production of nitric oxide. He spent three decades in the financial-services business specializing in estate and business planning for family businesses. For most of his adult life, he has been active in philanthropy, fund raising, and politics. He resides in Kamas, Utah on a family ranch in the Uinta Mountains.
Alan Myers is a CPA in San Diego, California. He specializes in accounting services for chapter-7 bankruptcy trustees and civil litigators. With the eye of a forensic accountant, Alan has studied the Federal Reserve System, commercial banking, and the national debt. He has determined that the Fed is America’s domestic enemy number-one, and is developing educational materials that will lead to the defeat of this dangerous system.
John Sneisen grew up in Norway and says he had been brainwashed by the collectivist agenda until he was awakened by a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki (a member of the Freedom Force Hall of Honor). John now is a passionate adevocate of individualism. He is the founder of a non-profit organization called The Economic Truth, which has over 10,000 followers in more than thirty countries. His organization analyzes economic events and hosts workshops on world monetary history. John is the author of The End of Freedom: How Our Monetary System Enslaves Us.
Annaliza Spiga was born in California but spent her childhood summers in Italy. She studied at San Jose State University and UCLA and lived seven months in Hungary where she saw the reality of communism. These experiences shaped her belief that personal freedom is a human right and must never be compromised. Annaliza consults in the cosmetic industry, has developed an organic skin-care line, and operates an anti-aging clinic in Los Angeles.
Jason Stinchfield was born and raised on a cattle ranch on the California central coast and graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a degree in Forestry Management. He worked for the US Forest Service for twelve years specializing in trail construction and became the top trainer in that specialty. Eventually, Jason reponded to his entrepeneural instinct and left the Forest Service to start his own business. Currently he is running a booming business called “Jason’s Works” which specializes in tools and instruction to help others to also go into busness for themselves.
Lane Vance was born in Southern Colorado and grew up in the Southwestern USA. He has worked in all fifty states and traveled to more than thirty countries, including behind the Iron Curtain in the 1970s. Lane is a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. His life has always included love of God and family, love of liberty and country, and service to friends, and community. Lane is passionate about entrepreneurial engagement – from start-up to fix-up – with more than twenty-five years of executive leadership in a wide spectrum of industries. He loves helping team members and businesses thrive.